Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 2

Ooops! There was so much happening during the week I didn't make time to post this.
We missed Mrs Mansson last week while she was in Dunedin following the passing of her dad. However  we welcomed Miss Whitehead for the week apart from Tuesday when Mrs Robinson was in.

The highlight of the week was a visit by Adrian who brought the "Reading Rocks" show to Birchwood. The children loved the juggling and the unicycle both used to promote a love of reading.

On Monday the children wrote their first story for the term - a recount. We will have lots of practice with our writing during the term. On Thursday Miss Whitehead showed the children how to do prints during the art lesson.

We're waiting until everyone gets back to school before we take a class photo. We've had quite a bit of sickness in the class.

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