Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Term 4 November 9 2011

Wow! It's a long time since this blog was updated.
Welcome back everyone to Term 4 and we're already near the end of week 3. This term is only 8 weeks and we have a lot happening through the term. Check out the school newsletter each week for a list of the activities and events.

Our class is now a class of 21 with the arrival of 6 children from Room 1 and the departure of 4 children to Room 3. Mrs Mansson and I are very pleased with all our Room 2 learners. Do come and look at all the displays in the classroom. Don't forget to look at Maths, Printing and Writing books too. The latest display up on the wall is some Aboriginal Cave Drawings which the children have completed.

Kay Woolf

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