Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Term 4 November 9 2011

Wow! It's a long time since this blog was updated.
Welcome back everyone to Term 4 and we're already near the end of week 3. This term is only 8 weeks and we have a lot happening through the term. Check out the school newsletter each week for a list of the activities and events.

Our class is now a class of 21 with the arrival of 6 children from Room 1 and the departure of 4 children to Room 3. Mrs Mansson and I are very pleased with all our Room 2 learners. Do come and look at all the displays in the classroom. Don't forget to look at Maths, Printing and Writing books too. The latest display up on the wall is some Aboriginal Cave Drawings which the children have completed.

Kay Woolf

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Term 3

August 24
We're almost halfway through the term, however it's not too late to welcome our new children and their families to Room 2.

This is the last week for the class swimming programme and all children have made progress with their swimming. Recently the class planted trees down at Monaco. Room 2 joined with Room 1 & Room 11 for this activity. Mrs Mansson has photos of the children swimming and tree planting which she is going to load onto our blog shortly.

Do come into Room 2 and check out our wall displays and your child's book work. We'd love to see you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's get Physical

Last week we started a six week programme of gymnastics. Room 2 has gymnastics on a Monday and Wednesday morning in the hall.  The children are learning to do forward rolls, bunny hops over a bench, balancing on a beam, jumping correctly onto a mat and jumping onto a fat mat. Hopefully we'll  have some photos on the blog before too long.

This week we started a rugby skills programme which is on Mondays as well. The children all enjoyed the rugby on Monday with Andrew Goodman as the coach. I'll take some photos next week to put on the blog.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some More Photos of the Room 2 Racers at the Cross Country

Cross Country Day

Tuesday 31 May
This afternoon we had the school cross country races. The weather was fine with a little wind. All the races were held up at Greenmeadows by the Stoke shops.

We walked up  to Greenmeadows and when we arrived the senior children were already racing.  We sat down on the bank to watch.

The five year old boys raced first followed by the five year old girls. We had to race down the hill and then around the field. All the training that we did helped us to race better.

Have a look at the photos and tell us what you think.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Room 2 Class Portrait

Yesterday we were finally able to take a photo of the whole class of 14 children! Up until today there has always been somebody away sick so it's good to report that all the bugs have left Room 2 and we are fighting fit and ready to learn. Long may it last!

Wear A Hat Day for Letter HHHHHHHHHH!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Some Photos from our Busy Classroom

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We love to get feedback on what we put on our blog and we appreciate you taking the time to look at our blog and commenting on what you see. Please note that all comments are moderated by our teachers before being published. Please remember to post your first name after your comment. Anonymous comments may not be published.
Thanks from
Room 2

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Wheels Are Rolling!

We are continuing the topic from last term but this time we have a different emphasis. We have been talking about wheels with a focus on wheels that help us. This topic could be huge but we have narrowed it down to the ambulance, fire engine and police car. We have had lots of interesting discussions and activities related to this, including a mosaic fire engine with pasted on pieces.
Soon we will be concentrating more on Science with the Science Fair coming up and deciding what our class investigation will be. 
A big welcome back to Hannah who has had a wonderful 2 weeks on a cruise ship in the Pacific.
Thursday will see the teachers from the Stoke/Tahunanui ICT Cluster coming through to look at all the ICT work happening in our school.
It's good to be back after my sad time in Dunedin. Nikkie and Rebecca did a great job in my absence.

Week 2

Ooops! There was so much happening during the week I didn't make time to post this.
We missed Mrs Mansson last week while she was in Dunedin following the passing of her dad. However  we welcomed Miss Whitehead for the week apart from Tuesday when Mrs Robinson was in.

The highlight of the week was a visit by Adrian who brought the "Reading Rocks" show to Birchwood. The children loved the juggling and the unicycle both used to promote a love of reading.

On Monday the children wrote their first story for the term - a recount. We will have lots of practice with our writing during the term. On Thursday Miss Whitehead showed the children how to do prints during the art lesson.

We're waiting until everyone gets back to school before we take a class photo. We've had quite a bit of sickness in the class.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 1 - Term 2

Room 2 has opened this week. On Monday we welcomed 12 children to the classroom. Two children were unable to make it on the first day.

On Monday the children learnt how to use the digital camera under the watchful eye of Mrs Mansson. You can see their efforts displayed in class. They also drew some terrific pictures of vehicles as part of our wheels topic.

Maths and Reading groups are now underway and we had our first visit to the library on Wednesday. Mr Herrick visited the class on Wednesday during a Printing lesson. The children were able to show him what they could do.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Room 2 Starts in Term 2

Mrs Woolf and Mrs Mansson are busy preparing the Room 2 classroom for the special students that will be moving from Room 1 to make up the new Room 2 class at the beginning of Term 2. We are not sure what the make-up of the class will be yet but the room is beginning to get organised with new shelves and new furniture ordered.